I am trying to print a backup copy of the extruder block. I am using PLA and set the temp of the nozzle to be 215 degrees. The machine starts printing at 215 degrees and all is well. I came back to check on the printer and the display shows the print at 50% done but the nozzle temp has dropped to 195 degrees. The display shows 195/195. I attempt to scroll through the display and reset the temp to 215 but the actual temp stays at 195. So, the display shows 195/215 and the temp stays at 195 no matter what I do.

This has happened to me a few times. Why is the printerdoing this? I checked Slic3R and the setting for the filament temp are 215 and 215. Nowhere does it say to drop to 195.
I am using the latest Marlin firmware.

Any help would be appreciated
Thank you