Hey Guys,

We are now well past the funding goal. Thanks so much to all of the supporters!

I have received a lot of input about possible stretch goals and I am currently weighing all of my options. Just so you guys know, I plan on offering BOTH 0.25mm and 0.6mm nozzles in the future, but I am just trying to get an idea of what people are more interested in.

I have also been asked about offering a bowden integrated heat sink. I realized that this is an important feature that many people would appreciate so I am working on a solution for this. I will likely offer an option of bowden or standard heat sink for all supporters before I start shipping. The bowden hot ends may ship a few weeks later than the standard hot ends. Anyway, I will be sure to let everyone know once I have all of the details sorted.

Let's keep this campaign going!

Happy printing :-)
