Hi all

I am new to this forum, i come from Denmark and I am building a new 3D printer

Now i am running in to some problems and cod use some help
Op until now I have built the printer and sorted the wiring.
Now I am in the process of config the software and here is it I got I some trouble
The good news is that I have got the heating of the bed and extruder to work, the display and connection to PC are also working properly, but I cannot get the stepper motor to work properly.
The motor just buzzering an does not move very well and the motor driver get very hot fast about 10 sec they are so hot I can’t touch them.
If i move the motor op to Z, then thay cam move, but the Driver still get very hot
The wiring and the motor are connected according to the malefactor
Dos some of you got some ide on how to solve me problem

Here are my configuration
Board: Geeetech Rumba Controller board
LCD: LCD 12864 control panel
Stepper motor: 42BYGHW609
Motor Driver: Stepstick DRV8825
Extruder: J-head E3D v6
Extruder: Bulldog All-metal Extruder for E3D J-head MK8
Endstop: Optical Endstop Light Control Limit Optical Switch TCST 2103
Firmware: Mariln, (it is config according to http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/index.php/Rumba)
Head Bed: 300x300 mm 560W 24V
Power supply: Bord 12V and 5V, old 560W computer power supply

Her is a link to my dropbox where i have put the program for the Rumba


Best Regards