Hello all,

My CTC printer has always had this clicking when loading filament or when printing a raft. I figured it was a combination of the cheap filament that came with the printer and not having a spring loaded block. However, I recently upgraded to a spring loaded block and purchased filament from Hatchbox and PolyMaker. To my dismay it still clicks. I have finally gotten around to upload a Youtube video that demonstrates this: https://youtu.be/0JXe3XhbJs8

The filament being loaded is from Hatchbox PLA, but it also happens with Hatchbox ABS and Polymaker PLA. The clicking sound is audible during loading of filament and when printing a raft. it quiets down after printing a raft. I was thinking it could be that the nozzle was to close to the build plate, but It happens when printing in air (as demonstrated in the video). Increasing the speed doesn't seem to help either.

Also, the spring loaded block came with a new drive gear that has much stronger teeth than the stock part.

I would love to get everyone's idea about what it could be and steps to correct it.