Okay. I have a Problem I Need Fixed. 2 color Printing With the FF Creator X.
I Current have a laptop With Makerware 64bit version on it. Windows 7.
I Am about to go back to Replicator-G. So everything works great up until the First layers. It starts extruding from the left Extruder and travels left to the end of the build plate.
Then makes a quick left jump to max out its axis. then extrudes from the right and travels back over the Previously printed Purge. once it makes it to the edge of the build plate
it jumps right maxing out the axis. then the stepper motors skip as it tries moving Further Right.

Should I tried replicator based on the g codes in this? (Universe's Unofficial FlashForge Creator X Manual)
OR is it the Slicer?

I noticed That the makeware version doesn't allow you to size parts or move them. is that true or is the program not installing properly?

Really at a Loss at what to do. And I Really need to got it to work.