Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on this forum and I was hoping I could get some help in regards to properly printing FilaFlex. I'm using the FlashForge Creator Pro, and I have just not been able to get any good results using FilaFlex. I use Simplify3D, and I've tried messing around with settings that I've seen other people recommend to others, but to no avail. What I've noticed during my printing process, with like a cube for instance, the extruded filament does not cool quick enough that if the nozzle were to pass by and touch it, the filament would shift accordingly. I've looked into active cooling, and I'm going to try that out really soon (hopefully that works). Also, I've noticed that the speed that the filament is being extruded does not move at a rate where it can catch up with how fast the printing movement speed is. The nozzle moves way too fast, regardless of how low I put the default printing settings, and the filament extruding speed just does not match up so I end up having layers where there are big gaps because there was no filament to cover it. Could it be that it's a settings error or something is going on with the actual extrusion process, like something is buckling or what not? Side note: I'm using a custom extruder that I found on thingiverse (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:857200) and I switched the default extruder that came pre-installed, with FlashForge's aluminum extruder (https://www.bilby3d.com.au/ImgProd/ptFildriveFFD.jpg). Any help would be appreciated!