Hello ALL!

First I just want to say, of course, 3d printers are amazing. In the last 2 weeks, I've watched so many videos and read countless forums and other internet malarkey that it'll make your head spin.

I just tonight started to understand a little more about my Makerfarm Prusa i3v 12".
Having small issues getting the Z axis setup correctly. Has a servo mounted switch. Offset is shown as 2.6mms but, jogging the Z to just a hair above the glass nets me 1.3mm. Current firmware is Marlin 1.0.3 on a ramps 1.4 . with slic3r it seems to print sort of close to accurate, at least in my testing. Using Simplify 3d, the nozzle just plows the glass for a few layers.

I adjusted the Z zero in S3D. Now at the start of a print, any print, S3D raises the Z at the start of a print by 0.1mm . Pronterface does not.

In the next few days, after more research, I may be updating to a newer Marlin firmware.

That's all for now as it's 3:40am.