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  1. #11
    update.. I frigged it by adding extruder offset of x=113 and y=75
    but i have the feeling this is not the best way to correct it...

  2. #12
    Senior Engineer
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    Burnley, UK
    I can't remember exactly what you need to do.

    The answer you need is on google groups, Jetguy is the guy to read for an answer. Probably in the Wanhao or the Flashforge groups.

  3. #13
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    yep the offset is the way I've always done it and seen it done.

  4. #14
    ok.. feeling stupid...
    RTFM Ray !

    I entered the bed size alright... but I ignored the "Oirigin" inputs... I incorrectly assumed these should be the front left.
    But obvioulsy the 0,0, is in the middle.

    Thanks guys

  5. #15
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    that sounds familiar :-)

  6. #16
    Super Moderator Geoff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EagleSeven View Post
    Sorry , but 'Sailfish' is Really a 'Downgrade',
    for the CTC !

    Note: that's my conclusion from what I've read,
    I've Not had a need to try Sailfish myself.
    So it's a downgrade, but you have absolutely no experience in using it or how it might be beneficial? I am finding your posts rather frustrating to read I must say. I know I can often spout on with some rubbish, but at least when I do, it's because I went through the experience myself - sure my advice may be totally wrong, but it comes from a place of understanding and previous experience.

    It's not a matter of "need to try sailfish" it's a matter of trying to improve the machine. Now, I haven't upgrade my CTC but I'm saddened you would tell me not to before I've even tried without even giving an example why. It's fine to say don't do it.. because x, y, x etc.. But you are saying don't do it because someone else said don't do it.

    The CTC is shipped out with Firmware 1.0

    Do you know how old this is now? nearly 5 years. Yes you read that right, the firmware running your CTC machine is nearly 5 years old. Do you not think there has been any significant improvements in the past 5 years that could help with some of the woes this printer presents us with? of course there is. Will they make the printer work better? possibly, it all depends on what your problems are.

    The absolute, most massive point of upgrading to Sailfish is the ability to slice with Slic3r and not the cruddy alternatives we have for Flashforge and CTC. Right now, for anything serious you need GPX (This is the way Simplyfy3D streams to X3G via USB) and I for one would like to treat my CTC like all my other printers and use Slic3r.
    Last edited by Geoff; 04-18-2016 at 07:59 AM.
    Hex3D - 3D Printing and Design

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
    The absolute, most massive point of upgrading to Sailfish (even though I have not done this on my CTC) is the ability to slice with Slic3r and not the cruddy alternatives we have for Flashforge and CTC. Right now, for anything serious you need GPX (This is the way Simplyfy3D streams to X3G via USB) and I for one would like to treat my CTC like all my other printers and use Slic3r.
    Slic3r needs to use gpx, irrespective of whether you're on sailfish or not. Simplify3D comes with it, with slic3r you need to add it yourself.

    Your points about sailfish are on the money though. It's not going to change you life, but it does come with several improvements over the stock firmware, and no cons that i'm aware of.

  8. #18
    Senior Engineer
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    I have never got GPX to work nor have I ever been able to get a response from the author about why it wouldn't work, most un-Linux like really.

    I just import the Gcode to repG and make the X3G that way.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    I have never got GPX to work nor have I ever been able to get a response from the author about why it wouldn't work, most un-Linux like really.

    I just import the Gcode to repG and make the X3G that way.
    What platform are you using? I use it fine on my mac. There are actually a couple of forks of gpx - one from dan newman (the sailfish guy) and then a fork of that too. I use the markwal one ( with simplify3d (i replaced the one they ship with). The main benefit of the forked one is that it removes the "bug" that limits the HBP temperature to 120 degrees (even though sailfish supports 130).

    Win32, Win64 and linux x64 builds at

    If you need an OSX build give me a shout
    Last edited by slippyr4; 04-18-2016 at 04:35 AM. Reason: adding more info

  10. #20
    Sailfish gets my vote.
    Just last night I noticed my print was overheating and I was able to adjust the head temp (downward) during the print and saved the model from failure.

    Print speed can be adjusted on the fly also... Really useful.

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