So, after much pleading and begging (promises of buying Ikea furniture were made), my gf finally let me wall mount my homemade filament loader container (seeking better naming).

Below I have my CTC 3D printer which is pretty much fully modded with 1/8" borosilicate glass bed, printed corner braces, printed webcam mount (attached to bed), Octoprint server (R-Pi wired up to the power supply), acrylic enclosure (from, Sailfish 7.7 firmware, fully PTFE lined filament guides, LED lights (with dual option switch for manual on/off or web control via WiringPi and Octoprint custom control interface inside the OctoPrint web portal), and some other stuff.

In the other picture is the newly installed magnetic reed switch which turns off the housing fan when the top lid is lifted up and turns on (default) when it is closed.

On the space to the right, will be home to my 2nd printer coming soon

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