Hi everyone,

I'm new to the boards, and a fledgling 3D Printer'er.

I've setup my new CocoonCreate which is an Aldi Australia branded Wanhao Duplicator i3. My setup and calibration went great and I successfully printed the infamous Rockotpus. It turned out good for my first print, but it was quite difficult to remove and I've been left with quite a lot of material behind from the raft.

I cannot remove the raft! It's really quite thin. The tool provided simply can't get under the PLA to lift it up. I've tried to be careful but it's now quite scuffed from my attempts.

Any advice on cleaning this off? I've already attempt reheating bed no advice from another forum, but that didn't help. I've been reading in to solvents but sounds excessive and concerned it will affect the default print mat that is affixed to print bed.

Right now I'm literally thinking I just apply the spare print mat and work on getting a piece of glass cut to go on heating bed instead (my research and knowledge is limited).

Thank you in advance!
