Greetings fellow designers,
I'm having an issue when I slice my .stl file and check out the preview, it looks like the slicer isn't completing the outside perimeter. If I rotate the model on my build plate and re-slice it, it'll appear in another spot. I have a feeling it has something to do with the 'Fixed Shell Starting Point' setting.. but haven't managed to solve the puzzle just yet.

Here's some background info:
3D Model: Drafted in Inventor 2015 and exported the .stl on high and medium resolution - same issue when sliced at either resolution.
Makerbot Desktop Version
.2mm layer height
3 Shells - Though I've tried anything from 2-5, doesn't seem to affect the issue.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Print Preview - Cheese.jpgPrint Preview_Cheese2.jpg