Hello all,

I'm hoping to ge some help with slicers. I just bought the Monoprice printer and am having issues using the Craftware slicing software with it. I'm hoping someone has already had this issue and can help me resolve it. I get a msg when I go to print saying the pinter is "online/busy".

I have tried about 5 different slicing programs and Craftware is the one I found to be the best option. However I cannot get it to conmunicate with my printer properly. In fact, I could not get any of the softwares to communicate properly to my printer. All of them acknowledged that the printer was there but when it was time to print there was a hang up. The other slicers I tried are Makerbot desktop, Cura, Repetier.

The only slicing software I have been able to print with is Replicator G which I find to be the biggest pain. It takes for ever to slice and I find that it uses a ridiculous amount of support material.

Help please.