I do the majority of my printing in the evenings after work, I will begin them and let the printer run overnight. After switching to PETG I have had quite a few new issues that I believe are related to the colder ambient temps in my unheated garage (temps drop to the 40-50s). With PLA I saw no major issues, but with petg I'm getting numerous thermal runaway halts and prints are pulling divots out of my glass bed..

Does anyone have any mitigation tips? I have lowered bed temp from 80 to 75C and this has helped print removal considerably, and I'm thinking about increasing the thermal runaway threshold in my firmware. I believe the runaways are caused because the bed and nozzle take much longer to heat in the cold, but I don't want to create any safety issues with increasing the runaway time in the event my thermister or cartridge gets loose. I have noticed the printer likes to shake nuts/bolts loose over time.