I recently took a new job as a traveling manufacturing engineer. When I say travel this isn't a week or two here and there; This is 3 weeks straight at a location, home for a weekend then off to the next location. Will be doing this for 1 full year. Problem is I love designing and tinkering, this can be incredible difficult from a hotel room hundreds of miles from home.

I've got a computer lined up to buy to run Solidworks and 3D printing software (Dell i7559-763BLK). The final gadget I'd like would be a 3D printer. From what I've researched the best value and fit for my situation is the Printrbot Simple Metal.


But before I go and take the plunge on a 3D printer, I'd like to at least make sure I can take it to the places I'm going. I've looked at shipping it but shipping alone adds a massive price tag for something of this size and weight. I've considered checking it in my luggage or buying a Pelican case and checking it as seperate luggage, the issue now comes from security/tampering and damaging my printer.

It feels like the best course of action would be to put it in my carry on luggage. I've heard complaints about TSA throwing a fit over exposed wires/circuit boards or unfamiliarity with devices like this. From those who have traveled before with a 3D printer, what has your experience been like?

Does anyone have any other suggestions for transporting a 3D printer from hotel to hotel?