In slic3r, you can control the top layer extrusion width and speed. You cannot control them separately in Mattercontrol. I had the top layer extrusion set slower and narrower than my other layers. It resulted in a very smooth and uniform top layer. The mid layers however use the same settings as other layers. I felt that slic3r over extruded in the middle. When I adjusted the flow rates for those layers, my top layer would suffer. I could never find the balance.

I don't have that issue with Mattercontrol. I have been told that S3D is amazing and worth the price. I find I get great results with MC. Here are a few pics... The first pic was sliced with Slic3r. Take a look at the overhangs. Yuk! The second kind shows the overhangs. Same print, same settings. I know it is different material but both were PLA from the same manufacturer. Trust me, it is the slicer. I have printed this design multiple times. The MC slicer wins ever time. IMG_3276.jpgIMG_3400.jpg