Hello all,
I have read a number of posts regarding "unable to unload" or "printer clogged" or "printer won't feed". I was an aircraft mechanic in a former life so definitely in tune with mechanical things so here goes.

Amazon delivered my Flashforge Creator Pro five days ago and I have been doing everything I can to destroy it, obviously. Anyway, here is a cheat sheet for the obvious screw-ups on my part. Sorry I just put the print heads all back together, so descriptions for now. Will post pictures later.

"Unable to unload filament" - Once the printer states that the print heads are up to temperature, press the lever behind the print head fan and pull out the filament. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE MOTORS TO REVERSE AND PUSH THE FILAMENT OUT. The print nozzle does NOT stay at 230C and starts cooling immediately! Cut the end of the filament square and throw away the piece of filament that is all stretched out. I used white electrical tape to make the levers stand out, as a reminder. I have plastic model paints and will paint the levers later.

"Printer won't feed - One of two problems: Nozzle clogged or spline wheel on stepper motor clogged.
  • If the filament is removed and still looks normal (round and smooth), the spline wheel is clogged with plastic. Remove the fan, lever assembly with spring, and clean the wheels with a stiff brush. I used an 'acid brush' and the actual cleaning took less than a minute. Reassemble.
  • If the filament has a half-circle cutout near the end, the "nozzle is clogged".

  1. Removed the fan and lever assembly, clean the spline wheel. It will need it as that is what made the circular cutout. Cut any filament off that is between the spline wheel and the printer nozzle. This will make the nozzle easier to get out.
  2. Then remove the nozzle, being very very careful not to damage the two wires coming out of the base. Two adjustable wrenches work well. You will have to angle one of the nozzle bases so you can get the wrenches in place.
  3. Once the nozzle is removed, pull out the nylon tubes. Replace with the 2 spare tubes that came with your printer OR use a 5/64" drill bit and carefully drill out the hardened filament. Once you have less than 1/4" of hardened filament, you should be able to just push it out with the drill bit. The nylon tube is slightly larger than this drill bit so you should not damage the nylon tube at all. Check the nozzle to make sure it is clean on the inside. Put repaired/replacement tubes back in and reassemble.

Hopes this helps! I have an urgent event this coming weekend so will not be able to get to pictures until next Monday. I'll take it all apart to provide you with good pictures.
Thank you.