Quote Originally Posted by ViralCipher View Post

So I have gotten over all of my extrusion issues and was able to do 3 successful 3D prints in a row! (with the right extruder). Now, since I 3D printed the Filament Tube holder http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:409297 I want to remove the filament that is already in both extruders, so that I can install it and use it. Problem I having is that I cannot remove the filament from the left extruder. I tried loading for a few minutes then unloading and it seems stuck and I cannot pull it out. The filament in it is ABS and it still extrudes perfectly, but I cannot remove it when unloading or while loading.

Is this a common issue? Is it because its jammed inside? It does extrude perfectly still when loading. What can I do to fix the problem?
Wound up doing the same thing.
What is wrong is the operator, namely you. When you press unload, either on the panel or software, and the front panel says 'GO', push down on the Lever on the side of the print head. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE MOTOR TO REVERSE AND PUSH EVERYTHING OUT!!!

Pushing the lever down releases tension on the hub wheel that feeds the filament.