Hi all,

I was hoping to get some help with a design I'm working on. This is my first exposure to the world of 3D printing, and so forgive my ignorance of even basic ideas.

I am designing support beams for a shelf in my apartment. This shelf houses 2 speakers and a receiver. The motivation for designing these supports is because the receiver is too large for the shelf, so I wanted to build support legs that would add a few inches to the front of the shelf in order to support the legs of the receiver. Hopefully that wasn't too confusing, I've attached a sketch of this idea as well as a picture of the shelf (without the receiver) below:

image3 (1).jpgIMG_1469.jpg

I broke this piece up into 2 segments, because building the piece whole wasn't possible given the printer dimensions. See .obj files below:

bottom part.objTop part.obj

I was planning on having these pieces printed at the library (wohoo free 3d printing!). However, when uploading them to the CURA program, it estimates that it will take about 6 hours for the bottom piece and 10 hrs for the top piece. The library has a 2 hr limit for printing jobs--however the director said this is semi-flexible. I don't think he'll allow a 10hr print though.

I also looked into a few different companies. The cheapest quote I've gotten so far is $200 for each leg (way more than I wanted to spend).

So, my question is, is there some design ideas that ya'll might have that could help save print time and/or cost, while still giving me reasonable structural support? Ideally I'd like to do this in 2 pieces and have each piece take about 2 hrs to print.

Any help would be great!