Very new to this, so apologize in advance if asking a stupid question.
What I've Tried To Do:
Purchased a HIC Technologies Prusa i3 kit.
Assembled kit.

What I'm Using:
Cura(I tried both just in case)

What Happens:
Hot end heats up to 210
printing starts
hot end immediately starts cooling, like it has been shut off.

I ended up clogging up the nozzle, so I ordered another. It appears as if everything should work (if I manually move any axis or the extruder they all do what they are supposed to and the printer does go through the motions printing something but no filament comes out), but when I tell it to print, the dropping temperature eventually creates a cold extrusion prevented situation. I think.

I also tried removing the shroud to the fan that blows on the nozzle/print area. For one thing it was hanging down lower than the nozzle, for another, I wanted to take the cooling out of the equation. Same issue.

I'm stuck and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated.