I have purchased a FlashForge Creator Pro some time ago and I need to find some sort of wireless connectivity solution to it.
The thing is I am not home all the time and I want to keep an eye on the printing process and be able to cancel it remotely if something goes wrong.
I already installed an old ip camera that gives me a great angle over the build plate.. but its not enough.

  • I thought about an Eyefi WiFi SD Card but it doesn't give me direct control I can get via USB cable. I maybe can sync it with my computer and transfer my gcode files to it, but I still have to be there to manually start/stop the printer.
  • Get a Smart Socket - gives me the ability to remotely shutdown the printer. But its not a safe shutdown. Just cutting off the power and I don't want to damage the printer.
  • A USB cable can't reach that far and I don't want a whole cable to run through my apartment. So maybe some sort of a WiFI USB "cable"? Sounds stupid.
  • Get a laptop? not really an option atm.

Suggestions anyone?