Hi there All,

First time poster here, however I have been reading lots and lots of post on this (and other forums) I have been assembling and modifying a makerfarm 12" i3v for 2 months now (wow time flies). I still have a problem with gaps in prints and would like some advice on what the issue might be. I am going to get fairly detailed in information, so please forgive the post length.

First of all the picture below is an example of a recent print

Some print settings:
1.75mm filament, PLA, 60 heatbed temp, 200 first layer temp, 190 for rest, printed onto buildtac, volcano hot end 0.6 nozzle, stock makerfarm (greg's hinged with herringbone gears) cold end (extruder). Filament is sitting on a spool roller with PTFE tube right to the cold end.

Slicer settings:
Nozzle Diameter 0.6, zoffset -0.2, speed set at 80mm a second. 50% speed for first layer. Layer height is 0.36 and first layer height is 0.36, 1 bottom shell, 1 vertical shell, random seam position, wipe and retract on layer change not set (no retraction for this print - more on that to come)

Other related upgrades/checks:
Have checked belt tensions
Have upgraded to a 6mm aluminium bed and a 3mm aluminium build plate
Have printed a new x-carriage in pla and attached to stiffen old wooden x-carriage
Have reduced stepping on x and y motors
Printed fan shroud and attached 40mm fan to cool print
Have calibrated extruder by running the 100mm check and then reducing by 5% (then add 1%) until extrusion width is 0.60
Have turned down max acceleration, feedrate and jerk settings. Feedrate (250,250,2,15) Max acceleration (500,500,500,500), Jerk (10,10,10,10)
Have turned retraction speed down to 10
Have tried different PLA from another manufacturer (colorfab)
stepper motors have been adjusted to bare minimum voltage (jeez they are buggers to turn a small amount!) and they are running really nice and are quite cool now.
Firmware is latest Repeteir firmware with a Raspberry Pi server with wifi for remote control
Slicer version is latest 1.2.9 stable, have sliced with 0.9.9 version and cura with same results

Other Print settings that have been tried.
I have also experimented with many iterations of print settings from having temps right to 215 and down as low as 170
I have experimented with retraction up to 4mm (shouldn't need to go over 2 with e3d according to their website)
I have experimented with extra feed on restart - I can give it enough to fill the 'holes', however then the print is lumpy from the extra filament
I have experimented with retraction on layer change and wipe while retracting which both also promote the blobbing effect.
I have experimented with avoid crossing perimeters
I have experimented with aligned seam position, however this just moves the holes to one corner.
I have turned the speed right down to 15, and gone as lower as 20% for first layer

As you can see I have performed some modifications and a lot of setting changes and the print quality is getting better as I go, this one problem just won't go away and I really need some assistance to solve this issue. Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Many Thanks