Dear all,

I am planning to create a small incubator (air) for beekeping. The temp. range is between lets say 30-max.65 degrees Celcius controlled by an arduino board.

My question is:

1) What is a suitable (and small) heating element that nicely fits into the small incubator (the heating cables for terrariums have too low temps)? I had one of those in my mind:
-> Use e.g. coffee maker or yoghurt maker.

But that thing heats up to 120 Celcius!

If I print with ABS then I certainly hit the glass transition temp. I can not (so far) print a high temp filament.

2) How do I mount the heater in a plastic component and ensure good heat dissipation and NO plastic melting a basic idea of mine was to attach it to a PCB board. But what with the upper parts (eg. heat shield)?

Any ideas would be highly appreciated. Also links to other heating elements.

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,