While the days of the Polaroid may have passed, the love of instant photography has not--especially when physical photos can be printed immediately. Swedish student Arvid Larsson was a fan of instant photography, but not the expense of each Polaroid photo, and took his time over the summer to conceptualize and build a camera that can instantly print photos using a thermal printer--for only about 0.01 SEK (0.001159 USD) per print. Using a 3D printed case, a Raspberry Pi, a small camera, and a thermal printer, and powered by a batter pack, the camera cost only around $170 to make--and now functions nicely, printing 10 photos for a penny. Check out his design process and a look at the camera's capabilities in the full article: http://3dprint.com/85696/raspberry-pi-instant-camera/

Below is a photo of Larsson's instant thermal printing camera: