Hi everyone,i’m a 3d modeling designer and glad to join this community.
I believe that many boys like guns.Especially the shape of cool sniper rifle or rifle,sadly this type of gun is not common in life .
For example, i like this M200 so much ,but i can only see the picture of it and can not see the real one.
So when i know many difficult models can be achieved by 3D printer ,i was so ecstatic.
Since i'm a modeling designer, why not build model by myself, print it by my 3D pinter and paint it?
So i start do some preparation work,i search some picture for reference and mark some size.
I build the models with 3DSMAX,here are some details.
welcome to give some suggestions~
Here is the some reference

And here is the model that i built(i chose to split the gun with many parts,because i want to as close as to the real size )

When i finished all of these , i put the model files into the 3D printer slicer softwear ready to print it
These are the parts that i already printed
In the end i want to thank everybody that read this paper,and i’ll continuously update newest progress till i finish all.
If someone has some questions and suggestions,i’ll reply ASAP.
thx again ~