The white ghost looking support material (ABS) seen on the bed is from ooze of extruder 2 which is the support material extruder (2) it just seems to ooze forever. I have the nozzle temp down to 210. I was thinking that a retraction of a few mm after the wipe would help. (will it?)

The globs are from either/both extruders oozing after a tool change. The globs only happen after the switching off of extruders. The first several layers ( before the support material is needed ) are almost perfect.

I tried having the extruders move to the side to clean the nozzle but all that happens is a big chunk of a stringy glob gets dragged around the bed.

So, the questions are: How can I get the extruders to retract a few mm after wipe? If it is easier to do it in slic3r, what g-code do I use?
How can I get rid of or minimize the clumps?

Thanks for your help.
