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  1. #1
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    First try at printing at 0.5 layer height

    So I've finally got round to sorting out the profiles on s3d v3.0.
    And everything is workling properly now.
    I've got individual profiles for left and right extruders that work properly.

    My flashforge creator has an 0.4 mm nozzle on the left extruder and a 0.5 mm on the right.
    Don't ask why just, seemed like a good idea at the time.

    So I've got a biggish bracket that needs to be strong. Figured I'd use the new s3d solid infill and 0.5mm nozzle and layer height.

    Looking good so far.
    Using cheap ebay pla and so far no sign of warp. Mind you I've probably got an accumulated layer of gluestick a mm thick on the bed :-)

    I set the nozzle width to 0.5 (if you select auto it wants to go to 0.6) and layer height to 0.5.
    Likewise I have lefty set at 0.4 width (auto wants 0.5)

    I printed a similiar but slightly smaller bracket yesterday with the left head at 0.4 layer height. And despite the usual: 'you've exceeded a 1.2 ratio thingimygig' message it printed perfectly and is every bit as strong as I wanted it to be.

    Currently printing at 60mm/s - but looks and sounds like she'd happily print faster.

    I decided to go for right head as it had no filament in and hadn't been used for quite some time and was just faster to load it than unload and reload lefty as I'm not quite sure there's enough filament left on the left reel.

    Also want to make sure it's working as I have had issues with it in the past.
    So far -36% - so good :-)

    More later.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    bum !
    filament got cross wrapped - drawback of cheap filament I guess.

    Didn't snap, and apparently didn't clog the extruder. Think I've cleared the knot - so started again :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Oh don't get me started about S3D 3.0.x! I have a Dreamer and this update is about to drive me NUTS! I have to recreate the profiles every few prints, as it continues to get into a mode where no filament will extrude. Very frustrating.

    I have some .6 nozzles. Bought them to try to fight the "clicking" problem, and to print faster on some models. Haven't tried yet. I get the clicking mostly on the left nozzle, I think due to the heat envelope being messed up due to the cooling fan on that side. I hope to try them soon, and will try to report findings here on this forum.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Well learnt two things.
    1) you can't print at 0.5mm layer height with a 0.5mm nozzle. Unless I suppose you slowed it right down, but even then I suspect you'd have issues.

    2) the new infill settings with s3d v 3.0 really do make a solid matrix.

    Here's the 0.5 model I snapped the tops of the brackets off, really easily.

    Yep it's bloody awful.

    Reprinting at 0.4 as that usually works perfectly.

    I suppose if I slowed the printspeed right down and messed with the temps I could get it to work.
    But I suspect sticking to 0.3 or 0.4 with the 0.5mm nozzle will still be faster as you get the extra width bead.

    But at least I've got both extruders working properly again.

  5. #5
    Senior Engineer
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    Burnley, UK
    What diameter is the thread when you load the 0.5 nozzle?

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    0.55 with this cheapo filament.
    which is what i should probably set the extrusion width to :-)
    Thanks lol

    And decided that the triangular infill printed every angle/layer so it's solid is my infill of choice. Got good strength in all directions, very easy on the printer and fast.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    This seems like a great place to intro a good discussion on layer thickness and reasoning/results/model rigidity/purpose/problems/etc etc....

    Also, it seems the suggestion largest extrusion is usually .1mm under the extruder size. I wonder if my .6 extruder would get you the .5 size you're looking for?

    Here's where I got mine, but you can also find them easily on Amazon too now:

  8. #8
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    well the weird thing is that I can print perfect models at 0.4mm layer height with my 0.4 mm nozzle.
    But the same filament with same settings prints lousy at 0.4 from the 0.5mm nozzle.

    Now given that there is a 25% increase in nozzle diameter I'm wondering if I need to up the nozzle temp for printing from the 0.5mm head.
    The print I did this afternoon with my 0.5mm and my best reprapper wood filametn was dire. Looks and feels like packing plastic. Whereas the one I did with 0.4mm head and exactly the same filametn and settings is perfect.

    spot the difference: ]

    Massive underextrusion going on with the 0.5mm nozzle.
    I did get a half decent print of this model using same settings with red ebay pla.
    But considering how clean and strong the same print is at same resolution from the 0.4mm nozzle.
    Definitely not as straight forward as telling s3d the nozzle is different size.

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