I thought this was awesome. Makerbot really does seem to care:

When we first learned about Robohand, a super-affordable 3D printed mechanical hand for those born without fingers, we knew we had to get involved.
So we donated two MakerBot® Replicator® 2 Desktop 3D Printers to Robohand cofounders Richard Van As and Ivan Owen so that they could rapidly prototype and improve their design. For the past year, Robohand has been bringing inexpensive and easily customizable mechanical hands to disabled people in need all around the world.
Starting today, our friends at Adafruit are joining the movement to distribute the Robohand. Make The World: Prosthetics is a month-long program aimed at crowdsourcing the manufacturing and delivery of the Robohand mechanical hand. Hosted by Adafruit’s Limor Fried, Matt Griffin and Phillip Torrone, the program will tap Adafruit’s Makers, Hackers, Artists and Engineers Community, encouraging members to post how they can help, suggest people in need, and post pictures of their Robohand builds.
The program kicks off tonight at 8pm EST on Google Hangout. Visit Adafruit for a full schedule of events.