I know useing a metal mesh is the best cheapest option but I noticed something in allot of the videos and images.

It seems that occasionally the mesh gets embeded into the print which probably makes it impossible to remove. Or the model gets destroyed in the removal process.

What other build platforms you think would work so the models are easy to remove from the build platform ???

This is just an idea

I was thinking maybe a bare pcb board that is pre drilled that would do the trick They come in all sorts of sizes and holes premade for screws to weigh the board down to the bottom of the tank.

It may even be possible to put a simple sensor on the board to tell the peachy this is where the build plate starts but if the board gets destroyed frequently it won't be very practical.

The holes would allow resin to flow through the board and the pcb boards are flat too. Just I have no idea how well the resin would adhere to the board or how easy it would be to remove or how easlly the holes in the board would get clogged up. But it may help the build plate embeding problem.

I found a few round blank pcbs on amazon but I bet there are even cheaper ones out there.
