If you're like me, you're finding it hard to get the same color filament each time you order a spool, even from the same Manufacturer at times.

I have a simple request. When you sell your filament, please include some sort of way for us to easily color match. For example, you can use the Pantone system. Hell I'll take a HTML color equivalent like #FF0000 vs #DD0000, at least then I can compare and contrast colors a little more scientifically then trying to guess the shade from a picture on Amazon.

It doesn't have to be exact, and if colors change over time, then great, at least I can get a reference to what the color will look like. I've ordered "Red" from 3 different manufacturers and gotten 3 different shades. Same with "Blue". I've even gotten two different shades of "Blue" from the same manufacturer.

Color names are OK, but they really don't tell me much. What is Green vs Light Green. How light or dark is the Green really. What shades are Red, Ruby Red, and Red Lava?