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  1. #1

    Resolution of the model

    Hi I am a dentist and I am looking at printing some dental models. What is the resolution of this printer and the resulting model?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Lincoln, Uk
    Add Chayat on Shapeways
    For a straightforward easy question it's hard to give a straightforward answer but I think depending on the nature of the detail you'll be looking at .2mm being around the smallest you can get a detail in. YMMV with calibration, set up distance and all kinds of other things. I'm sure someone with more experience will give a better answer soon though.

  3. #3
    Peachy Printer Founder
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    yes very simple question, yet complex answer, esp with all the things that you can change in a peachy printers setup.
    We are making some software changes that could change the answer to this question so Im going to wait to reply.

  4. #4
    I have similar questions about what the printer can accomplish, and was wondering whether there are any owners who would be willing to sell or share some test prints. (Should I start a separate thread for this?)

  5. #5
    Hey p4Yii5ul,

    Until now, there are only Beta-Testers.
    You can have a look at some of their prints over here:

    Remember that they are using a very early beta hardware,
    mostly incomparable to the quality of the new prints.
    To get a look at those new ones just scroll through the last 5 - 10 Updates of the Kickstarter project.

    Have a nice day,

  6. #6
    Thanks for the prompt reply!

    I do hope that test prints of the latest quality will start to circulate soon, even if only on a "loan" basis. It is one thing to see something online, a whole other experience to examine it in person. I hope that the Peachy Printer (or Pro version) will be capable of the quality I desire; I'm perfectly willing to wait if that's not yet the case, but I will eventually need to have a hands-on experience with a sample before I commit to purchasing the machine.

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