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  1. #1

    Simplify3D settings?

    I recently purchased Simplify3D to use with my PowerSpec3D Pro and not having much luck in getting it to create files that print well. I've used MakerBot software in the past and the x3g files print without any issues so I don't think it's my printer.

    A specific example of a file I've been trying to print is this one:

    Here's a photo I've taken of two print pieces I created:

    The white version is created using MakerBot software. The black version is created using Simplify3D (I couldn't even remove the piece from the raft since it was really a bunch of unattached pieces). Any ideas what settings I should be using to get his looking more like the white piece?

    Finally, here's the link to the factory file to see what settings I'm currently using (if that helps):

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    you need to look at your temp and layer settings.

    For something like that, which is essentially just a lot of close together joined up thin walls. You need the temp as low as practical. And probably 0% infill with 2 layers all round.
    And print it slowly.

    You using abs or pla ?

    Also I wouldn't use a raft. Probably break when you tried to peel it off.
    If I get a a chance I'll print a piece to see how it works on mine.

  3. #3
    I'm using PLA. I know it's not a 1-to-1 comparison, but with the MakerBot software, I'm using a raft, extrusion speed is about 90mm/sec, temp is 230°, 10% infill, 2 layers (the white version in the photo I previously posted was printed with these settings).

    For Simplify 3D, the speed is about 60mm/sec, temp is 230°. I'll try going slower but any idea if there are other settings that need adjusting? The speed seems slow already.

  4. #4
    I would check your nozzle dia. and the filament dia. in the s3d software. Looks like you are extruding out too much plastic.

  5. #5
    The S3D setting for nozzle diameter is 0.4mm and the filament diameter is 1.75mm. Those appear to be correct. You mentioned it looks like the printer is extruding too much plastic. Not sure I agree. If anything, too little is coming out. Again, the white piece is coming out fine but the black one has a lot of gaps in the final printed piece.

    I'll try slowing down the print and maybe play with the coasting distance but really at a loss why this printing so poorly.

  6. #6
    ever think it could be the color rather than the program just a thought is all .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    new jersey
    s3d version 3.0 has been released. its a huge update. everything that everyone was asking for.

  8. #8
    Don't think it's the color. I've printed the same piece in black and white with MakerBot slicing and both prints came out perfect.

  9. #9
    JimC - thanks for the heads-up. Downloading now then will try a test print with it.

  10. #10
    Well v.3 faired no better. Over on the S3D discussion board I came across this post:

    It looks like the software just can't handle printing thin pieces, which is pretty much what I was trying to print. The last post in that thread mentioned changing the extrusion width (from .4mm to .2mm) and the Extrusion Multiplier from .9mm to 1.5mm.

    I'm trying a print now and we'll see how it turns out.

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