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  1. #1

    Question ReplicatorG!Uhg, I need some help.

    Hello all, to start, this is my first post here. HI!
    O.k. lets get into it.
    So, I am not a nooby to 3D printing, I have been doing it for about 3 years now, for most of that time I used a Pb Jr(the first one). I also occasionally used a cube(again the first one) and a printer called a, "Come3D!."(yes the exclamation point is part of the name). I used these all pretty successfally. But, about four or six months ago I was given the come3D printer to keep. I thought this was great, but it is turning into the white elefant gift form hell. O.k. here is the situation, the Come3d! is actually a Chines bootleg of a makerbot Thing-O-Matic, with the following differences: It runs off of what I THINK is an ardweeno with a printershield on top, It only seems to be able to one old version of RepG. as an interface(which requires an old version of flash). These differences have left me with a problem. That version of RepG. uses Skinforge. I can not figure out how to use this setup. When I first used the printer the settings were pretty good for what I was using it for. However, I since found out that doing flat surfaces was a no go with it, so I tried to imporve the settings and made everything worse. Does anyone know Skinforge? can anyone help me get this machine working? Also, At one point I broke the endstop on the printer and replaced it. The new endstop works just fine but ever since then(unles I edit the gcode[see end of post] and calabrate by hand) the printer just starts printing in the air. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this? Please help, I would love to have multipal printers going at once.

    Here is the Gcode I use to get my printer to print on the printbed(note this does not fix my other problems):

    G92 Z0 (set Z to 0)
    G1 Z0.03 (move Z down 0.03)
    G92 X0 (set X to 0)
    G1 X1 (move X to 1)
    G92 Y0 (set Y to 0_)
    G1 Y1 (move Y to 1)

    Thanks for reading,

    - Thugorp -

  2. #2
    Hey, I know I am still high on the list, but I have waited a few days before bumping. I really do need some help with this. I am not nessisarily asking for a full fix, but if someone can help set me in the right direction I would really apriciate it.


    - Thugorp -

  3. #3
    Are your end stops at the top or the bottom. I'm making a wild guess, here, but if the Z end stop is at the top, and you replaced it, chances are it's not quite in the same position. Therefore, when you home the printer, the print head (it look like that's what moves in the Z axis) is slightly higher than it used to be and when you set Z to 0, it's correspondingly slightly higher. Have you calibrated Z offset and saved it? I did a quick google search and found something that might help. I'm not familiar enough with replicatorg to give better guidance.

    Try searching for "ReplicatorG calibrate Z offset"

    Regarding your Skeinforge settings, your best bet is to post specifics of the problems you're having. If we don't know what's going wrong, we won't know how to help you make it right.

  4. #4
    Hi Thugorp. It sounds like the endstop that broke is for Z axis (up and down), yes? If so, you need to relevel the printer's platform/bed since the endstop isn't EXACTLY in the same position as the last one. If it's too far between the two, platform and extruder, to relevel to make up the new/greater distance, you can drop that new Z endstop down a bit at a time til your extruder is meeting the printbed.

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