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  1. #1

    not printing center

    I am trying to get my migbot up and running and so far the test prints are coming out better than I thought they would, the only problem is they don't print center. In the settings in pronterface the bed size is correct, and it is set to print in the center but they dont. They print towards the front of the bed about an inch from center, and about an inch to the left. Also in slic3r when I try to move the location it won't let me, any tips on how to solve this?

  2. #2
    This might be obvious, but is your home position right at the corner of the bed?

  3. #3
    No it is not, i do not have measurements, but i can get them tonight, but the nozzle is off the bed in both the "x" & "y" axis when at the home position. I have changed the bed dimensions in Slic3r to "fool" it to close to center, but i would like to not have to do that. I have tried everything i can think of to access the firmware, but since i am noob to all this stuff, i am unsure how to access Marlin. I have tried the Arduino software but i am unsure of the type of board this Chinese company uses.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    not sure about slic3r - but in simplify3d - to change the home and centre, you not only change th bed size, you also put the settings in the startup g-code as well.

    I have a printer with an odd sized plate (234x155x150) and it took me a while to realise you have to enter the numbers in the gcode as well as build plate size.

  5. #5
    From what I can see of the migbot, the X axis end stop is movable - can you move it to the left slightly so that the X home position is at the left-most edge of the print bed?

  6. #6
    The end stop on mine is not moveable, two screws and that's it.

  7. #7
    Home the X and Y axes and measure horizontally from the hot end to the far edges of your print bed. This will be your bed size to put into Slic3r.

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