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  1. #21
    Senior Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Burnley, UK
    54 hours for 1 complete set of plastics for a Kossel in solid ABS. Wife was whinging a bit by the end of the print.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    54 hours for 1 complete set of plastics for a Kossel in solid ABS. Wife was whinging a bit by the end of the print.
    Holy cow. What this all on one build? What printer were you using? I didn't even know any build platforms were large enough to be printing for 54 straight hours.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Chiloquin Oregon
    I think the longest for me so far was about 10 hours for a final print. I usually do a quickie (low infill etc) that is around 33% of the final build time. I use a MakerBot Rep 2 and the software is pretty accurate at giving a guesstimate of the total printing time as a function of the preview. So you can play with settings to see how long something is going to take before committing the time or materials to doing a print. The vast majority of my prints are less than 2 hours. Russ

  4. #24
    I am pleased to announce that I just finished a build plate of 5 different pretty solid items that took me 22 hours total. I feel very accomplished

  5. #25
    about 8 hours, use 1.75mm abs to print a small doll

  6. #26
    Student Genero's Avatar
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    Norway, Oslo area
    27 hours ....

  7. #27
    I was doing a Google search asking the same question as this thread title and I was directed here and ended up joining the forum.
    Now I'm bumping the thread to breathe some life into's an interesting what's your longest print?
    My longest so far is a 50% scaled jet boat impeller that took 26 hrs.

  8. #28
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    18.5 hours.
    Practically full size stanford bunny - ie: the size of a real (smallish) bunny.
    At the time I did nor realise that if you went to a custom profile in makerware it reset all existing settings.
    So instead of a hollow bunny at 0.4 mm layer height (wanted to see how quick I could print one), it printed 20% infill at 0.1mm layer height.
    So I just let it lol

  9. #29
    Super Moderator JohnA136's Avatar
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    36 hours for a V-6 Ford block on our Replicator 2. My son has done some really long prints on his Ultimaker 2 as well.

  10. #30
    Staff Engineer Davo's Avatar
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    I have one customer who does 52-hour ABS prints regularly. I don't know what the model is.

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