Back in May of 2013, a company called Zortrax burst onto the scene with their very own Kickstarter project to fund their 3D printer idea. They ended up blowing away their stated goal of $100,000 by raising over $179,000. This has turned out to just be the beginning of their success. Today they announced that Dell has signed a contract with them to purchase 5,000 3D printing units. Going by the retail price of the printer, this deal could be worth close to $1 million. Zortrax stated that Dell had actually contacted them during their Kickstarter project at the end of May, however it was hard for them to really come up with a deal at the time.

Here is a Look at their consumer based 3D Printers:

What makes this deal surprising is that these are not manufacturing based printers. These are for consumers. They will likely go on the desks of thousands of Dell employees. This could really start a global trend towards office 3D printers for most tech employees.
“Frankly speaking, we were surprised that any company, even a company like Dell, wants to place such an order! But after a while we realized how many printers we use in our own office… For a designer who prints a large number of prototypes it is much more useful to use 10 smaller printers on one desk, which operate simultaneously, rather than one with a larger build volume,” said Tomasiak.