Good evening... So i just recently started having issues with my printer (havent used it in a while).
for whatever reason, after 3-4 layers (4x4") larger test print, it just stops extruding....
I have cloughs mods for ABL, his entire x carriage print (moving the extruder fan to the back and sucking air up and away), and a front mounted layer fan. (layer fan not being used, or inconsequential to print stopping).

Once it stops printing, i raise the z up and start extruding, and it seems to go again just fine. I really have no idea whats causing it.

I do notice the extruder fan is cutting out here and there, which is strange.. no idea why it would be doing that... i havent sat and watched the print to see if it cuts out long enough to cause the extruder to jam up... i dont think thats it... but its almost like clockwork every time i test this print.. (i use s3d and more or less the same settings as i always do)

Any ideas (ill watch this time too).
