Some 3D printing startups manage to fly under the radar, despite their development of groundbreaking technology. At last month's Inside 3D Printing Conference in NYC, hosted by MecklerMedia, Cole Nielsen was on hand representing his company, Orbital Composites. The startup is developing some truly impressive technology that could change the shape of the 3D printing sector, particularly for FFF/FDM-based machines, with technology that could increase print speeds by 100 times. Orbital Composites has patents pending for its technologies, including three offered in the company's print heads. The Coaxial Extrusion, Capillary Injection Molding, and Active Molding Roller technologies hold exceptional promise to enhance strength and speed of 3D printing. Find out more details in the full article:

Below is a photo of Cole Nielsen, Orbital Composites' founder and CEO, at Inside 3D Printing: