Flashforge Creator Pro, ReplicatorG, Sailfish, Black ABS.
I am printing a simple 2" diameter cylinder, with a wall thickness of 2.5mm, which stays constant until about half-way up the part, then it steps in 1mm (a shoulder), and then continues to taper to a 1mm thickness up at the top. Total height is 14.5mm. See pic
While my printer can print the "test right.x3g" cylinder included on the SD card flawlessly, I cannot get a good print of my part. I am printing on a raft, just as it does on the test right.x3g print. Originally, the whole thing was saggy and buckled and at the bottom but quite nice above the step, so I turned down the HPB to 80C, and now I get a mostly perfect bottom (where consistent thickness is) but the layers get wonky and show on the sides (inside and out) above the step. The stitch line also is perfect up until the step where it then gets puffy and the layers show streaks around the perimeter from that point. So, I am thinking it is temp related, and maybe I should come down to 75C, but wonder if there are any settings, such as shells, infill or speed which could clean up that top portion where it starts to taper.

My Settings now:
Replicator 2 slicing defaults (not sure if this is correct for the Creator Pro)
Full Support
default start/end code
Use Print-o-matic
10% infill
Layer Hgt 0.2
feed 60
travel 80
Print temp 220

I wish I know the settings for "test right.x3g", as even the raft just peels away perfectly (which it doesn't on my part).

I appreciate any tips or comments. Thanks!