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  1. #1

    Additives for Filaments

    The company I am currently working with on a project (Zzyzx Polymers) has the capabilities of mixing virtually any additive into plastic in the effort of eventually extruding it into a usable filament. Some materials we currently are working with include, but are not limited to:

    1. ABS/Coffee grounds
    2. ABS/Ocean plastic
    3. ABS/Chicken feather
    4. ABS/Tire rubber

    The above additives can also be mixed with PLA. If anyone has any specific products they are looking for or specific additives that they would be interested in, please feel free to comment with suggestions or requests.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    coffee grounds ?
    why ??

    Okay - how about china clay ?
    A fireable filament would be fun. Or just one that looked like pottery.

    To be honest, most other things I can think of have already been done.

    One thing that would be good is something that makes decent pla a lot cheaper :-)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Milwaukee, WI / Ft Walton Beach, FL
    Add Wolfie on Thingiverse
    Well, there is already LayBrick (completely mis-named since its neither textured nor colored like any brick I am aware of).

    I would like to see a terracotta colored ceramic like filament. Or better yet, a color changing filament based on LayBrick that you could control the color of the resulting print by altering the print head temperature.

    Something else that would be interesting to work with would be clear filament with tritium in it. I can see a lot of uses for something like that. Quad copters with running lights that require no battery power. Night sights. Keychains. Clocks. Etc.

  4. #4
    Hey man,
    I am very interested at figuring out an Ocean plastics mixture.... I have a small start up that is looking at uses for ocean plastics. We have a 3d printer, but have had limited success making our own filament and getting reliable prints.


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