Printrbot's Brook Drumm has an enthusiasm that not only launched PrintrBot via Kickstarter in late 2011, but continues to spur the team to do the best they can for the popular 3D printers they produce. Just yesterday, Drumm and his team released a video illustrating the enthusiasm on the assembly line at Printrbot as they assembled an impressive 154 Printrbot Metal Simple 3D printers in just one work shift. With 13 men on the line working for 7 hours, that's just 36 man minutes for each printer assembled, with 91 total man hours for all 154 units -- breaking their daily assembly record. Check out a video of the action, as well as more details about Printrbot and the Metal Simple, in the full article:

Below is a look at the Printrbot Metal Simple 3D printer assembly line: