Minecraft is popular among gamers, designers, and more -- and a new web app from Thailand-based Treebuild is based on a similar pixel art platform to make 3D design fun and straightforward. Their new app, LUBAS, is currently available as a beta version. Users can start with a blank canvas or with a template (three are currently available, featuring Captain America and Minions in superhero costumes), then build on from there with easy, familiar controls. Once finished, the design can be checked with one click to see whether it is 3D printable, then saved in a number of formats -- STL, OBJ, X3D, 3DDOM, HTML, or VRML -- and sent to a 3D printer or 3D printing service. Find out more about this new design app in the full article: http://3dprint.com/53319/treebuild-lubas-app-beta/

Below is a look at Treebuild LUBAS: