I'm trying to print what is essentially a large (100mm x 200mm x 40mm) block with a couple of large cutouts that go down to 3mm above the bottom surface. The problem is that when attempting to remove it from the bed, as soon as I start to get a thin blade under one corner, the bottom layers rapidly seperate from the infill all across the block and the top of the part comes off, leaving the bottom solid layers stuck to the bed. I've printed some larger parts with ABS, but this is my first big print with PLA.

Using blue tape on a glass bed at 60C. First time I tried printing it, I used 2 bottom layers and 20% infill, 190C. Second time I used 4 bottom layers, 30% infill, 200C. Both times the cooling fan kicks on after the first layer. Both times the part failed where the bottom layers end and the infill begins. Managed to salvage the 2nd print with a lot of superglue, but still...

Any suggestions on either how to get the infill to stick to the bottom layers? More infill might stick better, but the additional stiffness might offset that.

And since it's game day today: Beak 'em Hawks!