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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Design software?

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question as I'm still very new to this 3d printing.
    I have a powerspec 3d and the software is crap at best. What software does everyone find is the easiest to use for learning (design)?
    Does makerbot have anything?
    I have a design in my head i need to test out but don't want to give the idea to someoene else in fear of them stealing it. Not even sure if it will work but I want to be the first to do it.

    Tried sketchup last night but couldn't get it to do what i waned it to do.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
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    Oakland, CA
    The choice of design software really depends on what you're trying to design. If it's an artistic sort of thing with a lot of complex ornamental detail, you need one kind of software; if it's a mechanical part where everything has to fit in an assembly to tight tolerances, that requires something different.

    Learning curves vary as well; if your project is highly sophisticated, like a new type of automobile engine, you'll need software that's up to that, and mastering it can take a while. If you're designing something simpler, like a deck for your house, then simpler software can be used, which you can figure out in a day or so.

    It sounds like you're not willing to share what you're working on, but if you could give us some hints, we might be able to steer you toward software that's appropriate for your needs.

    Andrew Werby

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    It's pretty basic really. Need something to do basic shapes (squares, circles, triangles) then things like tubes with a flared end similar to a barb.
    It's nothing complex by any means. I guess the hardest part is needing things threaded so it can all be assembled together.
    Also curious if its able to make something that is air/water tight right off the table or if I need to do the acetone or some other post process, but that's later down the road.
    Would also like to be able to integrate my logo but also make it inverted so it sticks upward.
    In my mind it all seems simple.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    Oakland, CA
    For that, you might try TinkerCAD which is simple and free. Don't worry about modeling threaded holes; if you just model a little divot where you want them, it's best to drill and thread them later, once it's printed. Just make sure there's enough thickness for 3 or 4 threads where you're putting those holes. The acetone probably won't make your prints air or water tight, it just makes them smoother. But there are dips you can use that actually add material to the outside of your print, which would help with that.

    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I tried sketchup last night and freecad. Completely lost, the whole 3d thing is much different than the 2d cad I'm used to.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill, TN
    Check out ViaCad. Inexpensive, easy to use and feature rich. I've tried quite a few and really like it. I started with the $99 version and quickly upgraded to Pro which is $249 ... on sale for $199 at the moment.
    Last edited by dklassen; 05-02-2015 at 08:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thanks, but I'll stick with the free stuff for now. TinkerCad looks easy and it's nice to be online based. Also played with 123D which seems to be the easiest so far.

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamble View Post
    Thanks, but I'll stick with the free stuff for now.
    The RepRap printers all use OpenScad. Its different than the graphical design tools. But a lot of people (myself included) gravitate to it.

    Paste this into OpenScad... I'm making a TakerBot Robot that lets you scale the size:

    (The real MakerBot Robot doesn't scale. As you change the size, the joints fuse and the different limbs can't move. This code lets you set the size and the amount of clearance you want on the joints. You might have a failed print, but you will know what number to change to make it print right the next time on your printer! And... You can edit in your text to print on it. )

    //square_ring( x=10, y=10, z=2, thickness=4);
    Size = 1.00;
    Clearance = 1.00;
    //thigh( Open_Joint=1 );
    //translate([0,-2,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) leg();
    module main_body() {
            union() {
                difference() {
                    translate([-16*S,0,3*S]) scale([S,S,S]) minkowski() {
                        sphere(r=3, $fn=20);
    // Cut out and form hip joint
                    translate([15*S,17*S,0]) minkowski() {
                        thigh( Open_Joint=1 );
                        translate([-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2]) cube([Clearance,Clearance,Clearance]);
                    translate([15*S,13*S,0]) minkowski() {
                        translate([0,-2,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) thigh(Open_Joint=1);
                        translate([-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2]) cube([Clearance,Clearance,Clearance]);
    // make the indented belt
                    translate([-20*S,-3*S,10.0*S]) rotate([45,0,0]) scale([S,S,S]) cube([48,2,2]);
                    translate([-20*S,29.9*S,10.0*S]) rotate([45,0,0]) scale([S,S,S]) cube([48,2,2]);
                    translate([-19*S,-4*S,10.0*S]) rotate([0,-45,0]) scale([S,S,S]) cube([2,48,2]);
                    translate([9.6*S,-4*S,10.0*S]) rotate([0,-45,0]) scale([S,S,S]) cube([2,48,2]);
    // make the Emblem indent
                    translate([S*(8.0-.15),14*S,12.0*S])    rotate([0,90,0]) scale([S,S,S]) cylinder( r1=7, r2=9.5, h=2.00);
                translate([15*S,17*S,0]) leg();
                translate([15*S,13*S,0]) translate([0,-2,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) leg();
              translate([8.5*S,13.9*S,11.5*S]) scale([S,S,S]) minkowski() {  rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(height=.1, convexity=4)
                    text("T", size=7, font="Bitstream Vera Sans",
            sphere(r=1, $fn=20);
    module leg() {
        difference() {
            minkowski() {
                shin( Open_Joint=1 );
                translate([-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2]) cube([Clearance,Clearance,Clearance]);
        difference() {
            minkowski() {
                translate([-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2,-Clearance/2]) cube([Clearance,Clearance,Clearance]);
    module thigh( Open_Joint=0 ) {
        translate([-4*S,0,0]) scale([S,S,S])
            difference() {
                union() {
                    hull() {
                        translate([0,1,0]) cube([1,8.5,10]);
                        translate([10,1,0]) cube([1,9,11]);
                    translate([-8,6.0,0]) cube([10.00,3.5,8.0]);
                    translate([-8,6.0,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/2, h=3.5, $fn=25);
                    if ( Open_Joint==1 ) 
                        translate([-12,6.0,0]) cube([8.00,3.5,8.0]);
                translate([9,-1,-2]) rotate([0,20,0]) cube([10,20,10]);
                translate([-8,0,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/3.5, h=15.0, $fn=25);
    module shin( Open_Joint=0 ) {
        translate([8*S,0,0]) scale([S,S,S])
            difference() {
                union() {
                    hull() {
                        translate([0,0,0]) cube([1,13,13]);
                        translate([10,0,0]) cube([1,16,16]);
                    translate([-6,3.0,0]) cube([7.00,3.5,8.0]);
                    translate([-6,3.0,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/2, h=3.5, $fn=25);
                    if ( Open_Joint==1 ) 
                        translate([-10,3.0,0]) cube([8.00,3.5,8.0]);
                translate([9,-1,0]) rotate([0,20,0]) cube([10,20,10]);
                translate([-6,0,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/3.5, h=15.0, $fn=25);
    module foot() {
        translate([20*S,0,0]) scale([S,S,S])
            difference() {
                union() {
                    translate([-6,6.0,0]) cube([7.00,3.5,8.0]);
                    translate([-6,6.0,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/2, h=3.5, $fn=25);
                translate([-5,21,18]) rotate([ 45,0,0]) cube([20,20.,23.75]);
                translate([-5,-24,25]) rotate([-45,0,0]) cube([20,20.,23.75]);
                translate([-21,-1,18]) rotate([0,20,0]) cube([20,20.,23.75]);
                translate([-5,-24,-5]) rotate([-55,0,0]) cube([20,20.,23.75]);
                translate([-5,33,-18]) rotate([55,0,0]) cube([20,20.,23.75]);
                translate([-6,3.0-.001,8.0/2]) rotate([-90,0,0]) cylinder(r=8.0/3.5, h=15.0, $fn=25);
    module square_ring( x=10, y=10, z=2, thickness=4) {
        difference() {
            translate([thickness/2, thickness/2, -.001]) 
                cube(x-thickness, y-thickness, z*2); 
    I still have to do the Head and Arms. The arms are going to use the same joint making code as the legs.
    Last edited by Roxy; 05-03-2015 at 01:11 AM.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yep openscad is hand down the simplets to learn and one of the most powerful once you have learned it.

    The beauty of it is that you can produce the same result in an infinite number of different ways.
    So if you don't understand complicated maths - you don't need to use them. Just write the script the way that makes sense to you.

    ie: it's unlikely any two people will write exactly the same script to produce the same complex model.

    It's also a pretty short learning curve.
    And once you understand the basics it's surprising just how fast you can produce models. I've just re-written a script to make moulds for clay sling bullets (think david and goliath). My new script is fully parametric - ie: someone tells me what size bullet they want to make (length and centre diameter) and I just pop those into my script and it generates a mould to make exactly that size bullet.
    I then export as stl and make the moulds.

    And that's the other seriously great thing about openscad - every model you make is 100% manifold and 100% ready to print. No netfabb (I've literally never used it), no faffing about with wondering if you've got solids or walls - it just works :-)
    Saves a lot of time and effort.

  10. #10
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Have yet to learn OpenScad, but It's on my todo list, as it's pretty powerful as everybody has mentioned. I'm also a fan of sketchup, it's quick and easy. But it does have some limitations, as more skilled drafters will tell you, but I haven't run into a situation that I haven't been able to work around.

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