I am beginning to collect a fair bit of scrap now. And as my collection of filament expands with additional colors and types, Organizing that scrap seems to have come to the forefront. Right now its in cardboard boxes (what it was shipped in for the most part) and plastic grocery bags. Not really the most elegant solution and it will become more cumbersome as the collection grows.

I am talking to those of you who plan, or already do, re-extrude your used plastic into recycled filament. One big box would suffice if you plan to simply chuck it. Not my plan. I plan on getting a grinder and an extruderbot.

As the variaty increases, so must the storage options. So, what do yall use to organize your scrap? What useful containers, organization method or tools do you use? It seems stupid and labor intensive to chuck it in one box and sort it out later, thats easy on the front end and a PITA on the back end (pun intended).