Scandy is a 3D printing service that’s about to take over where photo labs, now all but obsolete, left off. Based in New Orleans, Scandy is a subsidiary of EntreScan, a comprehensive 3D printing service provider in southern Louisiana. A new company, Scandy was announced at last weekend’s New Orleans Mini Maker Faire, where they showed off their 3D printed products which can be shipped to customers' doors for around $20 total. Customers only have to use a 3D scanner from a phone, tablet, or hand-held scanner, upload the files, and let Scandy do all the ‘clean-up’ to the scan, 3D print it, and ship. They also have a social media site where everyone can share, like, and order 3D prints. Read more about Scandy in the full article:

Below is a look at a 3D printed figure from Scandy: