I saw that MakerBot announced their "Printshop" yesterday (http://www.makerbot.com/printshop/). It basically lets you use a tablet to make either 1) text based 3D designs, or 2) bracelets. All I can think is "WHY?"

Who wants to do either of these things? Make plastic bracelets? Ok maybe my 4 year old niece. Make 3D signs? 2D works just as well.

We've seen a lot of 3D design software comeout lately, including Blokify, which has a folder on this site. Why couldn't they have made a simple tools similar to Blokify to allow developers to build simple 3D objects using small blocks? They could even take it a step further and allow you to really minimize the size of those blocks.

I really hope this Printshop app improves over time. Otherwise it is quite useless to 99% of 3D Designers. Don't you agree?