I'm using a Dremel Idea Builder (rebranded Flashforge Dreamer) after trying and hating the Cube 3rd Gen. Although the Cube had countless issues and shortcomings, one of the things I really liked was how matte their PLA material is. I'm looking for alternative filament to use in the Dremel and ordered some gray from MatterHackers. The filament works fine in my printer using an external spool holder that I downloaded from ThingVerse, but the results are pretty shiny.

Has anyone compared the glossiness of various brands of PLA to find which ones are most matte after extrusion? I'm looking at buying a roll from both Maker Geeks and Makerbot to test out, but interested in what others have found. I'm mostly interested in gray and tan colors. In the meantime I plan to try a coat of Krylon matte finish spray as well as some Tamiya gray primer on a couple of my models, but I'd rather leave them uncoated if possible.
