Hello, I just made an account here to ask this question.

I need a printer I can buy in pieces over the course of a couple of months, (ex, buy electronics, then motors, then metal parts, etc.) reason is that school takes a lot of my money, and between one thing and another I cant save 3-400 bucks at once, not for this that is not a #1 priority for me right now.

I also want to build it myself, and I don't mind doing upgrades to it to make it better (although if I buy it in pieces that should not be a problem).

Around a 4x4x4 to 6x6x6 print area is fine for me

I was also looking at the qu-bd one or two up but for $220 and $300 respectively I think I can probably build something better for around the 3-400 dollar range myself (out of metal/aluminum or whatever is best, it may be kept outside in a shed every now and then!)

Let me know what you guys think, thanks.