Ever since WobbleWorks raised $2.3 million in crowdfunding for their 3Doodler 3D printing pen, the market and the competition for such devices has exploded. Essentially “pens” that allows users to lift the tip of the devices off the page to build self-supporting, three-dimensional objects using plastic filament like a 3D printer, the devices are popular among artists and children. The CreoPop 3D Printing Pen takes a different approach which uses a version of stereolithography (SLA) and a photosensitive resin to avoid the use of heated parts are necessary. And now an Instructables user has come up with a way to basically use a hot-glue gun and duct tape to create a homemade 3D printer. You can read the whole story here: http://3dprint.com/41642/make-your-own-3d-printing-pen/

Below is a photo of the duct tape-heavy homemade 3D printing pen: