Kim Thoman's 3D printed Emerging Venus sculpture series is a natural evolution from her 3D modelled Venus series diptychs and triptychs. Thoman initially collaborates with Andrew Juris on the 3D model design for her 19" tall venus pieces, and then they are 3D printed by OffLoad Studios, using a ZCorp z510 Spectrum 3D printer (now owned by 3D Systems). Thoman currenty has eight pieces in her Emergin Venus series, and she plans many more: including a four foot tall 3D printed Venus that she hopes to unveil at Southern's California's Soka University. She will exhibit her work in an upcoming 3D printed sculpture exhibition at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas. Check out more details on Thoman's work, including in her own words, in the full article:

Below is a photo of one of Thoman's Emerging Venus sculptures: